Wilby strikes back.....
The Catholic Herald is trying to silence critics of the pope. They are urging their readers to harass the editor of the New Statesman, Peter Wilby, after he published a mildly unfavourable story about the dead pontiff’s views on condoms (which I refer to in my last post).
But Wilby is not taking it laying down. In the current NS he says:
But Wilby is not taking it laying down. In the current NS he says:
To maintain the flow of debate, NS readers may wish to comment on John Paul II's newly elected successor, Joseph Ratzinger. Homosexuals - described by the former cardinal Ratzinger as an "intrinsic moral evil" - may have something to say. So may Anglicans ("not a proper church"), devotees of rock music (a "vehicle of anti-religion") and women who aspire to become priests (banned "to protect true doctrine"). Views should in the first instance be addressed directly to Benedict XVI at the Vatican. But if you can't get through, Mr Coppen on 020 7588 3101 would no doubt be happy to pass on your opinions.